Eco Bloomfield General DIY Plumbing Fixes: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

DIY Plumbing Fixes: Common Issues and How to Solve Them

Have you been startled by a running toilet that just won’t stop or awakened surprised by a puddle under the sink? Plumbing problems can happen when you least expect them, transforming your tranquil house into a mini-water park. Before you freak out and call a plumber, know that some plumbing problems are simple enough for you to tackle on your own. This guide will help and walk you through a few common plumbing problems and teach you how to fix them yourself, saving you money and time.

The Drippy Faucet

A dripping faucet is a nightmare — it is hard to ignore, even harder to sleep through. But know that fixing a leaky faucet is usually simpler than you think. Usually, a worn-out washer or O-ring is the problem, and with a fast trip to the hardware store and a few tools, you can replace it. Here’s some steps to follow.

  1. To stop the flow, turn off the water beneath the sink.
  2. Take the handle from the faucet. This might include undoing a screw.
  3. Occasionally, it’s concealed by a cap that you can carefully pull off.
  4. Take the stem by unscrewing it out, and the washer will be visible.
  5. Change out the old washer with a new one that is the same size and shape.
  6. Check your work, reassemble the faucet, and turn the water back on.


The Clogged Drain

Your bathtub or sink could become a mini swimming pool because of a clogged drain. Try this before you make a backup call:

  1. Boiling water: Intermittently, the muck can be eliminated by running boiling water into or down the drain.
  2. Plunger: A plunger can be helpful if boiling water is not working. As you plunge, just make sure the drain is well-sealed.
  3. Pour a mixture of 1/4 cup table salt and 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain to make a DIY drain cleaner. Next, pour a cup of hot/heated vinegar. It will bubble and fizz, dislodging the clog. Use hot water to rinse after fifteen minutes.
  4. Plumber’s snake: To unclog tougher clogs, a plumber’s snake might help you reach into the drain.

The Running Toilet

A toilet that won’t stop running isn’t only inconvenient and annoying but can also increase the water bill. The issue commonly lies with the flapper valve that is inside the tank.

  1. Inspect the flapper by opening the tank and keeping an eye on it as you flush. It will still leak water if it doesn’t seal properly.
  2. Adjust the chain: The flapper’s chain may occasionally be too long or too short, which damages the seal. Just check that the flapper closes all the way.
  3.  Replace the flapper: The flapper might have to be changed if adjusting fails to work. You can get them at any hardware shop, and they are cheap.

The Leaky Pipe

Leaky pipes sure are daunting, but some leaks are easy to manage.

  1. Locate the leak and place a bucket underneath it after drying the surrounding area. Keep an eye out to figure out the exact source of the water.
  2. Turn the water off: To avoid making an even bigger mess, turn off the water before initiating any work.
  3.  Epoxy putty: Cover the leak with epoxy putty for an immediate remedy. Verify that the pipe is dry, then carefully follow the putty’s directions.
  4. Pipe clamp: Using a pipe clamp made specifically for your pipe’s size is a more long-lasting solution. Once more, before beginning, confirm that the pipe is dry.

 The Sump Pump

If you own a sump pump, making sure it is in working order is essential, especially during the rainy season. Basement flooding may occur as a result of a sump pump malfunction.

  1. Examine the float: Occasionally, the float mechanism can become stuck. Check that it is moving freely.
  2.  Clean the intake: If there is debris clogging the intake, the pump might not operate properly. Drain it and then give the pump a test.
  3. Verify that the water is being released from the outlet sufficiently far away from your foundation.

Plumbing issues, big or small, can be a hassle, but with a bit of know-how as well as some elbow grease, you can solve common problems yourself. Remember, it is important to know your limits. But, if a problem seems too big to handle or if you’re ever unsure of, do not hesitate to call a capable and professional plumber. This is your top priority: preventing further damage and the safety of your home. You’ve got this!